온라인 번역

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번역 결과
"一个家庭3天只能有一个人出小区两个小时" ~ 중 영어 번역
A family can only have one person out of the community for two hours in three days
관련 번역
'一个家庭3天只能有一个人出小区两个小时。在小区内可以自由活动。你需要去物业开证明' ~ 중 영어 번역: A family can only have one person out of the community for two hours in three days. You can move freely in the community. You need to go to the property to issue a certificate。
'一个家庭3天只能有一个人出小区两个小时。在小区内可以自由活动。不包括提供公共服务或失败' ~ 중 영어 번역: A family can only have one person out of the community for two hours in three days. You can move freely in the community. Does not include the provision of public services or failure。
'一个家庭3天只能有一个人出小区两个小时。在小区内可以自由活动' ~ 중 영어 번역: A family can only have one person out of the community for two hours in three days. You can move freely in the community。
26 개 언어 번역
26 개 언어 번역
온라인 번역 지원

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